Завантаження Події
Місцезнаходження: Центр Боулдер Шамбала

Тренування Шамбали І: Мистецтво бути людиною (Особисто)

Тренування Шамбали І: Art of Being Human                                                        

Friday Evening Talk: May 31st, 7-9PM MT                                                 
Субота, June 1st, 9AM-5PM MT
неділя, June 2nd, 9AM-полудень MT

In-person only
Відкритий для всіх!


Через практику медитації, ми бачимо безумовну доброту як основу нашого існування. Opening to this original nature with gentleness and appreciation, we begin to see our potential as genuine, гідно, caring human beings.

Shambhala Training programs include meditation instruction, періоди практики медитації, one-on-one meetings to clarify questions, бесіди старших викладачів, групові дискусії, and a concluding reception.

Відкритий для всіх!
The Friday night talk is free & open to the public.

About the Way of Shambhala

Shambhala Training is a sequence of programs for anyone interested in exploring meditation as a way to develop openness gentleness, безстрашність, and confidence toward ourselves and our world. Each training presents a progression of Shambhala warriorshipa path of nonaggression born from the willingness to meet our world without bias or judgment. This path shows how to take the challenges of everyday life as opportunities to increase our capacity for kindness and compassion.

The Way of Shambhala includes Shambhala Training programs I–В. This series offers a glimpse of the Shambhala vision of enlightened society by emphasizing how meditation can impact our daily livesand from there, how the sanity of meditation can impact our community and our whole society. Будь ласка натисніть тут for a full description and chart of the Way of Shambhala.

We are delighted that through sponsor support, we can offer pricing options. Registering as a sponsor generously supports those who cannot afford the full price. Дякую!

Політика щедрості: Please contact Ed Smutney at[email protected] якщо вам потрібна фінансова допомога для участі в цій програмі.


Будь ласка, запиши: Always check your spam folder after registering for programs and other offerings at BSC. Most registration related communications from BSC will come from an email address @neonemails.com or @boulder.shambhala.org.

Центр Боулдер Шамбала
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2024-05-20 10:52:52